lunedì 1 luglio 2013

International Prize "Il segno" - Ferrara 2013

La mia "Evviva gli sposi" partecipa al Premio Internazionale "Il Segno" 2013, alla sua quinta edizione, che si svolgerà dal 20/09 al 27/09/2013 a Ferrara.

the "Just married..." work will partecipate at the international "Il segno2 prize, which will tale plase between the 20th and the 27th of september 2013. Proud of this piece of heart!

But not only...

I hope to be one og the 40 painter selected for the ArtTéléthon, taking place in Lyon, France on December 2013....

The 4 canvases will be the "just married" one together with:

"Christian'S memories"


and something new i'm working on...
one word= CHALLENGED!!!

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